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  • Hello!

    The Photography Smiths consist of husband/wife photographers Mikey and Samantha Smith.

    We think moments shouldn’t just be captured, they should be handcrafted. And while we’re not great with words, we believe in the power of images to tell our story, and if you’d like, they can tell yours too.

    Thank you for taking the time to stop by our blog. Here you can find some of our favorite work and personal adventures along the way.

    Available for travel worldwide :).

Chris and Katie {Fredericksburg Engagement Session}

I am going to go ahead and say I have never had so much fun or laughed so hard at a session! This couple is not only cute but freakin hilarious! Chris and Katie are some of the coolest and most laid back people I have ever met! They were both kinda nervous at first but all my couples are nervous when we first start – heck I’m nervous before we start! But after just a few minutes in we were all laughing and joking around. They brought their cute border collie mix for a few of the photos in the beginning then we went for a walk in the woods. These two have the most genuine love for each other its amazing! I just loved watching how they joke and play with each other!

We can’t wait for their September wedding!!!

Enjoy a few of our favorites!!!






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Jenna and Chris {Middleburg Engagement Session}

Engagement season is in full swing! And can I just take a moment to brag how darn gorgeous all our couples are! Like seriously not only are they all so beautiful but so darn sweet! This gorgeous couple will be getting married next month!!! We decided to meet in the Middlesburg since it was a good half way point between us. This was my first time visiting this town but let me tell you – I will be going back! Seriously the whole town is gorgeous! There was so much texture and character everywhere! We had such a wonderful time just walking around. Chris and Jenna have an amazing chemistry that just shines when they look at each other. You can see the love in every photo! I just love the way they Jenna fits so perfectly in Chris’s arms then how he kiss her forehead every time! Whew, to say we are excited for their wedding would be an understatement!!!

Enjoy a few of our favorites!





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10 at 10 {A Monday Blog 2}

1. Wedding season is quickly approaching! We can not wait!

2. We’re finally sending all our gear out to Nikon to get serviced and inspected! Can’t wait to have our cameras shooting like new!

3. Since our gear will be gone for the next two weeks we will be taking very limited sessions till the end of the month!

4. Mikey and I sneaked in our first date in two months in-between sessions this weekend!

5. The Host was kinda boring but I LOVE all movies so it didn’t matter:)

6. The 2014 Senior Model Experience is in FULL FORCE!!! We’ve had over 50 girls and guys apply! And the applications are still rolling in!

7. We are only able to pick 1-2 models from each school but we still have a few openings available!

8. Mikey is working on putting a blog post together for photographers! If you have a question send us an email and it might be on the first blog!

9. We are exactly 94 ‘likes’ away from being able to merge Samantha Smith Photography with The Photography Smiths! I personally can not wait! Responding to both pages can get super confusing!

10. We will be out of the office this Saturday and Sunday (April 27th and 28th) to have one last family weekend before wedding season starts!

Have a wonderful week!!! Enjoy a few of our favorites from a VERY busy but amazing weekend!





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Dan and Ashley {Downtown Fredericksburg Engagement}

Ashley and Dan are planning the most amazing modern vintage inspired wedding! They both have a love for books so we thought the perfect place to start their session was the library in downtown Fredericksburg. Then afterwards we would walked around because it was such a pretty spring day.  I always love shooting in the library because it is such a challenge! The rows are very small and narrow, the lighting is very yellow and on this day it was about 80 degrees inside! But with all that all you can see is their love! Seriously, I am sooo excited to share all of our favorites – there’s kinda a lot! These two were the best at loving on each other! I was absolutely swooning after I snapped each image! Their love and chemistry is just unreal!! This is why we LOVE engagement photos! It gives us a chance to see the connection between a couple and practice for what it will be like on their wedding day! Now, on their day I will say ‘just do your thing!’ and their portraits will be a breeze!




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RJ and Brittney {Spring morning Portraits}

When Brittney contacted us about shooting a session for her and her boyfriend I literally squealed! She is soooo darn gorgeous and was the perfect model for one of our bridal series blogs – if you missed it check it out here. Brittney and RJ are soo cute together and their love is just amazing to see. I love the way he looks at her and how she fits so perfectly in his arms:)I found this little field off the side of the road a few weeks ago and knew it was the perfect location for them. The blossoms are already gone so it was just perfect timing!

Check out a few of our favorites!





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2 comments on “RJ and Brittney {Spring morning Portraits}

  1. Megan Garrison on said:

    Lovely samantha! So in love with the last one & how her dress is flowing in the wind! <3

  2. Mary Ann Moore Sapp on said:

    Samantha, you have such talent! Beautiful portraits of beautiful people.

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