When Mikey and I first started talking about starting a future together we both knew we wanted children – I wanted at least 3 and Mikey said he was fine with just one. Cohen was our wonderful surprise baby and continues to bless us everyday! Well he’s 3 1/2 almost now and I am having some serious baby fever! But we have soo many goals we need to accomplish first and I really want Cohen to have our full attention right now till as he learns to cope with his Apraxia. If case you missed that post you can read more about it here.
My oldest sister lives in Virginia Beach and has two super cute kids, Ethan and Ava. We chat almost everyday and she started talking about her and her husband taking a trip somewhere – just the two of them. If your a parent you know how hard it is to find a reliable sitter by reliable I mean someone you can whole hearty trust. Then when you have someone that like …they probably already watch your kids a lot. Lets just say we both have rockin mother-in-laws
They LOVE our children but I’m sure it can be a lot to do it all the time. And since we live a few hours away and I never really watched my niece and nephew before I was said ‘I COULD DO IT!’ My sister didn’t even think twice she booked a flight and room in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and were off!
So all last week I was in Virginia Beach with three kids. Can I just admit now that its all over that I have never watched more then two kids at a time …..even during my babysitting days. Mikey stayed at home since he still had to work but he called me 4 times a day to make sure everyone was still alive 😉 Ethan is in middle school and Ava is in elementary and both go to public school. Can I just admit now that Cohen and I love our sleeping in – we refuse to get out of bed before 9 am. Oh these kids were banging on the door telling me to wake up at 7am. Each morning I would make then all homemade breakfast, pack their lunch and make sure they had everything they needed to go to school. Then off they went till 4 pm when they both get home and it was all homework/dinner/more homework/do something fun/shower/bed. It sounds easy but while the morning routine was actually really easy the nightly routine was EXHAUSTING!
Other then being able to hang out with my niece and nephew another great part about being in Virginia beach was being able to connect with some really amazing photographers! I was really lucky to have the chance to hang out with some really talented like Andi and Zoe Grant of Andi Grant Photography, Briana Macon of Macon Photography and Brett Searles of Brett Alexandra. These ladies were sooo much fun to meet up with!!! Brett and I actually know each other since we were two and grew up together. It was sooo crazy seeing our boys meeting for the first time and getting along so well!
Now let’s talk about Cohen and the black eye. Here’s my statement of the day – Kids these days are bad and have no freakin sense! On friday, the kids were off of school for a teacher workday so I planned a day of fun since it was also our last day. Our first stop was The Bounce House in Lynnhaven- this place was a mad house. It was nice because they had a really big selection for the kids. The kids were all having a lot of fun and they really enjoyed taking Cohen up the obstacle course and down the big slide. I stood outside the course to make sure they were ok but when they were inside it I couldnt really see them. So there they went up and down up and down till they all went in and never came out…..like it was 15 mins and kid after kid came down but it was never my kids. Then Ava came running the wrong way saying Cohen got hurt…..oh my heart dropped. Ethan came carrying him – Cohen was crying hysterically. He looked intact and the kids started explaining what happened but all I could see was a black dot below his eye getting bigger and bigger. All I could take it from the conversation was a bigger kid hit him and Cohen’s eye was getting worst.
You don’t even want to know what kinda language was going through my head! I’ve never had this situation – what I wanted to do was find this child and go all crazy mom hulk on him but in reality you can’t do that. The kid was about 6 or 7 and he looked like a good kid just super hyper. Ethan told me that Cohen cut him in line at the slide so the kids pushed him down and he guess hit him – it all happened so fast he couldn’t be sure. But really what 7 year old doesn’t know better that you don’t hit a 3 year old!!! I really don’t want to be that mom who babies their child but the fact that Cohen cant defend himself since he can’t quite talk yet seriously breaks my heart! Anyways – I’m getting off subject. I found the child and asked him to come with me and show me where his mother was. He did and then I hit his mother.
Just kidding but wouldn’t you think I was the craziest mom EVER?! I politely told her the story and thank goodness she was a mom who cared how her son behaved. She couldn’t believe it either and was very apologetic! He had to say sorry to Cohen and then she told him it was time to leave since he acted that way. I wish there was more to the story but that’s it. Moral to the story tell your kids to keep their hands to themselves and if a younger child cuts them in line teach them how to talk to out the situation. Because for kids like Cohen, even though he can’t talk back he still understands you.
Other then the bruise eye, it was a very successful week! Cohen got to really connect with his cousins and it was lot of fun having three kids for the week but it may have been pushed my need for more children WAY back!
If you read all of that thanks for reading! Sorry for the rambling – I promise next week will consist of more photos less words

Gorgeous pictures and beautiful model! I love the mood that the scene elicits and the contrast of the bright blue dress. Great job!
This was elegantly done, just like a storybook……..