Happy New Year!!!
One of my biggest resolutions this year is to BLOG! I am right now PROMISING to blog consistently this year! It’s very hard to stay on track and find things to blog about. I’ve never been much of a writer and usually I let my photos speak for themselves. This is a year for new beginnings and though I hate writing I’m going to face my fears of making mistakes and rambling on and on about nothing and just do it! So with this fresh start I am sooo excited to introduce a special project we’ve been working on – THE BRIDAL SERIES!!!
Working everyday (about 12-18 hours a day – I know I’m crazy) has been a little exhausting to say the least! I absolutely LOVE what I do and every single client but have you ever just wanted more? I had this need to push myself and really showcase my photography in someway. There are many days where I just sit and dream up different scenarios that would be fun to shoot then I thought to myself – ‘why not shoot them?!’
For the next few weeks every Wednesday we will be featuring a different bridal session. These will be completely different and unconventional from the normal bridal sessions. They all consist of my own personal style and things I LOVE!
Can’t wait to share them all with you but for now here’s a sneak peek of some gorgeousness coming next Wednesday!!!!
xoxo Samantha
Thank you!! Can't wait to see you both again soon!